Originally Posted By: haertig
I play piano or read during power outages. I have plenty of LED lights to illuminate those activities if it's too dark to see. Also, sitting in the dark and listening to long-forgotten favorite songs on an MP3 player is fun.

Read, fancywork (Kevingg isn't the only paracord addict here), trombone, etc. Speaking of LEDs, I just replaced the bulbs on the old 2D incandescent flashlights with 1/2 watt LEDs. $9/each at Home Depot and I've got 25 lumen floods with a 40+ hour usable battery life and a massive spillbeam. Perfect for power outages.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane