Here's an interesting true story that comes from the Amazon. It's got nothing to do with "cardio" ... except that if you are Indiana Jones and you get chased by indigenous warriors ... you better run really fast.

Many years ago an ornithologist visited a region in the Amazon. He was impressed with the hummingbird species, but did not have time to take a lot of specimens. So he asked the local Indian people to shoot some hummingbirds with their blowdarts.

In due course, some hummingbirds reached the ornithologist. They were shot dead with darts. But he wasn't happy because the darts damaged the feathers and the bodies of the birds. So he sent back a message to the Indians that he didn't want the feathers disturbed.

After some time a second package arrived. When the ornithologist opened it, he was amazed to discover several dead hummingbirds with their eyes pierced. The Indians had shot the hummingbirds through the eyes with their blowdarts.

Now ... that's accuracy for you !!

Definitely a good reason to work on cardio. :-)
