Originally Posted By: hikermor
The thing is - there is the macro unexpected - 9/11, etc. - and the micro unexpected - the very real emergencies that don't make the headlines.

Very true. I certainly think the popular conception regarding preparing for "macro" events is a lot different now than pre-Y2K.

The "micro" stuff? Not sure. However, we did not have the plethora of TV shows on survival back then like we do now, so maybe people are more interested? Then again, with the availability of cell phones, seems like more unprepared folks are relying on their phones to bail them out of tough situations out in the bush, so it's hard to say how the public's perception may have changed about "micro" preparations. It probably depends on the situation.

For example, I think more people are flying with just a carry-on because of baggage fees. Although not really a survival tactic per se, just the fact that you have everything with you will tend to make you more prepared for a common "micro" situation--getting your luggage lost by the airline. I don't know...just a random example that popped into my morning brain.