Stargazers points are all correct. I think that your flashlight selection should fit your uses. Surefire lights are primarily targeted as combat lights (although they are trying to branch out), for use by military, law enforcement and individuals who carry firearms. They tend to focus on light output at the expense of batter duration. In a combat role, this is as it should be.

I own several Surefire lights, and they have never let me down. I just purchased an M2, and will probably use the high output lamp, which produces 120 lumens. It also eats batteries. But the only time I will carry it is in a self defense capacity, and not too many conflicts last 20 minutes. So it suits its purpose.

For daily carry I actually use a Streamlight Twin Task (single battery). It isn't as small as my E2, but with the LED option as well the battery life is something like 8 hours. I really like having the ability to switch between LED and halogen. You can get LEDs for the Surefire's, if you want more battery life and less light. Streamlights are also alot cheaper than Surefires.

So, if you are looking at a combat light, you can't do better than Surefire IMHO. If you are looking for a EDC utility light, there are probably better options out there for you.

Have fun shopping!
