I think that it is necessary to remember that our liberties and freedoms end at at the extend of our arms and don't extend into the reach of others.

I agree that if everyone was trained, armed and ready to defend themselves we would have fewer crimes and much more respect for each other. OTOH, there are fools of all kinds. I don't mind being in the open and having to face the eventuality of an armed fool (since I am armed and prepared for the threat). In an airplane or even a boat, where the foolishness of one individual mis-handling their tools or the evilness of one individual intent upon reckless and catastrophic suicide can obliterate all, including thousands on the ground, I am a little more cautious about my indignant cries of outrage over my curtailed liberties. I would not be nearly so offended if I thought that they were doing anywhere near the same level of scrutiny to the luggage and cargo that gets stuffed on board. When an individual can send himself as air cargo without being discovered, I am much more offended at them taking away my nail file.

I don't currently have any needs that require me to travel by air. I avoid doing so as much as possible. I have traveled by air once since that fateful day in 2001 when the USA woke up to the reality that the rest of the world has known for decades if not centuries. I didn't enjoy the harrassment and I didn't feel any more safe because of it.

I really am concerned about the increasing level of surveilance being applied to our daily lives. Everything from member discount cards at the grocery store to Fast-lane tracking devices in our autos to street corner cameras and face recognition software to biometric tracing of foreign nationals (which system can be used covertly without any modifications against our own citizenry and in violation of many of our constitutional rights and liberties.) These issues seem to get lost in all the smoke and noise surrounding the much more visible and annoying - though much less troubling - harrassment surrounding air travel.