Scott, thanks for taking my suggestion so graciously. As a technical writer, I've been trained in very specific composition protocols, and it is hard for me to see something outside the scope of that without putting on my proofreader's hat. So, at least I come by it honestly.

Yes, I've been up and down Stone Mountain a few times. I've also sat on the huge grassy field at its base and watched the laser show and fireworks that are so popular. Another notable landmark around the greater metro area of Atlanta is Kennesaw Mountain, the site of historic battles during the Civil War ( Kennesaw presents more of a hiking challenge than Stone Mountain, depending on the route you select. My brother-in-law and I routinely take dayhikes around the Kennesaw Mountain area, but usually limit our trek to 12 miles or so. There are over 30 miles of hiking that could be done on the trails in that area. Anyway, yes, Stone Mountain is a must-see part of any trip to Georgia. I'm a proud native Georgian, and it impresses me every time I go.
Gear Freak