Very nice. Congrats on using the system to improve the program. I'm glad you didn't let the negative "rumors" deter you.

I picked up on the "Hudson Bay Start" as we were discussing how to get more involvement in winter camping in the troop. One suggestion was to actually conduct winter camping training in December when we usually go to a near by camp with cabins. Having the cabins nearby as a fail safe would likely releive many scouts' (and scouters') fears of freezing out in the woods. Knowing there's nearby safelty and shelter would help remove anxiety. It also would serve as an emergency shelter if needed.

BTW, does your organization produce pamphlets or instruction sheets for its proficiency subjects (like our Merit Badge pamphlets)? Or is it up to the individual instructor to provide material gleened from your refrence list?
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL