Just my $0.02, and I have not checked all the responses on this thread. You've certainly got a lot of excellent items, and many look pretty compact. But there is a lot of stuff - it would be worth reducing the quantity of gear.

One idea is to get a small box that holds all this stuff, and then pack only some fraction of it for any specific trip. PILE all the stuff in your "survival box", and then pack only 50% of it for any trip that you are taking. Leave the rest in your survival box at home. You can vary what you take, depending on circumstances.

I'm not a believer in planning for all possible contingencies - it creates too much bulk and weight. I think it's better to be forced to prioritize your choices - those important choices (and mistakes) teach yo how best to prepare.

BTW, three flashlights seems excessive. One good penlight and a back-up micro-light (LED) should be more than effective.


Edited by Pete (12/17/11 11:14 PM)