My favorite day pack is a lumbar (waist) type - the Mountainsmith Day Pack. The problem with any lumbar pack is that it is very easy to make them so large that they become heavy and bulky, invariably slipping down and causing stops for readjustment, etc. Mountainsmith gets around this by offering pack straps ("strapettes") that support the lumbar pack well enough that everything stays in place without encumbering the hiker's upper back. With weight centered at waist level, this unit travels through brush and up rocky slopes very nicely. The pack straps also neutralize the one obvious disadvantage of a lumbar pack - if the waist buckle fails or opens for any reason, the pack and its contents instantly fall away, sometimes with disastrous consequences.

I have been trying one out over the last few months, and I am pretty happy with it. Definitely get the strapettes if you are going to put anything in the back beyond lunch and a toothbrush. With a capacity of 850 cu in, it can pretty well handle normal day hiking requirements. I must admit the "hydration system" is terribly retro - two mesh side pockets that hold one liter containers - you know, the ones where you must pull the container from the pocket, unscrew the lid, and lift it to your lips. Works just fine for dinosaurs like me. At least I can truthfully say that my pack doesn't suck.

The usual disclaimers - I am just a satisfied customer.
Geezer in Chief