These mini-mules are pretty small, but do have a couple small pockets.
Thats one reason for the buckle whistle, one less item in the pockets.
I want to find some kid sized ponchos, not the one time throw away ones but not too expensive either since they will be growing out of them.
My son's birthday is January, he will be 6 then, I'm thinking of getting a small multitool like the Leatherman Squirt PS4.
I found Wigwam makes good kid sized hiking socks and they look like they stretch to span several sizes so they shouldn't grow out of them in a year, so I plan to get two pair for each, one to wear and one spare in the packs.
I don't know if they are quite old enough yet to need a psk, we don't go on long hikes way out in the woods where they could get lost, it would be more of a wander off if we turn our backs for two seconds, so thats why the whistle so they can blow if it they can't see us and we can listen for it.