Note to self: get bigger vehicle.

Yes, exactly. It will save you a lot of frustration. Living in a car gets old really fast. When people see someone living in a car, they think 'homeless, shiftless, dangerous'. When they see someone living in a van, they think 'camping'. And that can make a world of difference on how you're treated, and what handy tips you might get.

I've had two vans, and built a freestanding platform (transferable to the next van) for a twin mattress using 2x2s and 1/2" plywood, extra-long to accommodate a small propane stove on rainy days, and storage underneath. I could stretch out and be comfortable, and there was room for the dog and the cat and the litter box. grin There was considerable difference between the comfort of the carefully insulated van and the one that wasn't. Air mattresses are cold in cold weather, and they leak at the most inconvenient times.

Fairgrounds sometimes have camping available, for a fee.

Some National Forests have primitive campgrounds (w/privies) that the hunting/fishing folks use. They used to be free (and you might still find a few small ones) but mostly they run about $10/day now.

If you look 'clean', you could apply to be a campground host for the season and live there for free (OBG and his wife used to do this -- he said once you do it -- and do a good job -- you've got an edge when you apply at other places).

Clean and polite will sometimes get you an 'unauthorized' spot in the national forests, depending on the nature of the authority figure who finds you. Booze, firing guns and having a trashy site are the things that will get you run off the fastest.
