Just to add to this thread...

I grew up in the small portion of land between Russia and Czech Republic... Nothing of big military value but at the end of WWII it became a lawless land for partisan troops from Russia, Poland and Czech that opposed Stalin and clashed with Red Army and Polish Army. They laid so much stuff there that it was impossible to plow the field or go mushroom picking without finding old mines, cartridges and artillery shells. It was a paradise for a kid and I still don’t know how I survived. Local sapper unit hated that part of Poland but it was a great hands on experience and they really got to blow stuff up. In my last few years I was there I collected so many ordinances that it would be enough to blow up few villages. If you remember 101st stand in Bastone Forrest and how shells were hitting the trees and splinters and shnarpel flying all around? We used to do the same by tying hand grenades to the trees and pulling the strings. We used to unscrew detonating mechanism out of stuff and throw it into fires. Not to mention laying fuses and smashing them with a hammer. It was natural for a guy to have few fingers missing or a limb. And god forbids you decided to plow a new field after the spring flood when all the buried stuff rose up to the top. Every squeak of the plow and metallic sound gave you a heart attack. How much of that stuff is still there? Who the hell knows but when I went to hunt for rabbits and came upon a destroyed Russian tank nobody knew about I can guarantee you that there is a lot of it left.

And yes before you go off on me I know what we did was retarded.