Originally Posted By: Jesselp
So, I've decided to get serious about getting into better shape. After spending the past two years trying to get myself off of blood pressure medication unsuccessfully, I noticed that a new Crossfit gym was opening less than ten minutes from my home. I figured that doing things on my own was not working, so why not try group classes with Crossfit?

I've been going for three weeks now, and holy cow! I've never worked harder in the gym in my life. My wife thinks I've joined a cult, but she's already noticed changes in the way my body looks.

So far, I'm a satisfied customer. Anyone else have experience with the Crossfit program, or suggestions for how I can get the most out of it?

No experiences, but a few friends anecdotally LOVE it. I've thought about it but just difficult to get there consistently. Plus the gym is free ...