Originally Posted By: Leigh_Ratcliffe
Re fundraiser: Might one suggest that you set up a PayPal account? I'm quite happy to make ad hoc donations but, and I am sure that I am not the only one, I operate a blanket policy of not doing direct payments, and with the best will in the world, once people start making electronic donations some S.O.B thieving P.O.S. is going to hack your security.

Thanks. We will look at various options down the road. Right now we are focused on getting everything we can working. This forum and Knife Rights were critical, the rest somewhat less so and it's not like none of us doesn't have a day job or two or three. <~>

Rick has done a great job in helping make this go as smooth as possible and I really appreciate his help. The only for sure loss with the the PLB FAQ which was Windwoes based and I don't have time to redo. <shrug> Maybe someday.

WRT PayPal, we have had significant difficulty getting those $%&@&s to approve ETS Foundation. They won't accept the proof we have that we are a 501(c)(3) and we can't provide them the proof they insist upon because it cannot exist. Catch 22 or as it's becoming known everywhere, "Catch PayPal." PayPal is absolutely the worst (and that's as nice as I can put it) and could not give a damn about customer service. as near as I can tell, it isn't even in its vocabulary.
Doug Ritter
Equipped To SurviveŽ
Chairman & Executive Director
Equipped To Survive Foundation