Book(s), a place to refill my water bottle, munchies, and working bathrooms and environmental controls, and I'm good. For a complete screwup, add in water purifier tablets and a change of clothes. I got stuck on a train a couple of years back with no air condition, no flushing toilet, and a 5 hour delay. The water bottle and a pair of shorts and t-shirt made life easier for me then most of the other passengers.

A couple of people are going to get clobbered for this one. The 7 hour AmericanAirlines delay was the fault of US Customs who refused to let anybody deplane from the Paris flight. I don't know what happened with the Jetblue flights since that was domestic.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane