Imentioned in another thread that I have a few jerks at our work. They make life real pain. So, I figured to ask : how do you guys SURVIVE this ???

As I said in the other thread... one of my colleagues ALWAYS jumps to help me regarless if I needed help or not. Even if I needed someone's help it won't be him. He always argues before doing anything. He always changes things without asking. I just want him to leave me alone and pick another job to do.

Another jerk , the boss. The other day, he interrupted our urgent job to ask me to attend to items that should be arranged and made obsolete. Not only that is not urgent, this job usually means dealing with beaurocrats in the sorehouse and office services. I hate dealing with office-bound beaurocrats who live in ivory towers. They want us to pile things in the middle of the office before they come. And they will need about a week to come AFTER we made the items ready !!!!

So, we have to suffer a week ( or maybe more) of junk in the middle of our office while our original urgent work is being delayed. I asked the jerk, boss, to postpone this nonesense, but he said it was postponed long enough.

Now, two other hard working colleagues are leaving on vacation and work will be further condensed, yet, priorities and common sense seem to be something unknown to our jerks.

Do you have such stories to share ???
It helps relive anxiety a little to see others are also having similar experiences