Refridgerators/Freezers can survive for 20 yrs or more if one provides a little simple maintenance,very easy to do!#1- Pull fridge away from the wall,aprox. 4',place yourself right or left side of fridge,place your foot at the lower back corner & push/tilt the fridge towards the wall 45 degrees or more,so the fridge stays tilted on it own,leaning against the wall,If you hear a rattling noise,No worries,it's the condenser fan,of which is mounted on a pinion,no harm done!.#2-get a vacuum cleaner with hose&attachments(HEPA filter type works best),& vacuum the entire bottom of the fridge(the crevice attachment & a paintbrush works well here) you will see alot of hair,dust,etc. built up on the condensor coil,usually lower back end(looks like a radiator),Suck all that stuff off with the vacuum,usually takes about 5 mins.,& if you can't get all the fur out,reverse the vac hose to the blow side & blow out all that fur,etc. you may want to wear a particle mask or bandana to cover your nose/mouth while doing so,when it is clean,reverse the hose to vacuum up all the debris,gently pull fridge back down on all fours.That simple task will give much extra life to your fridge,especially if done annualy!If you see water behind the fridge on the floor,that is water from the condenser pan in the backside,you can also clean that area as well,removing the thick cardboard cover,usually 5/16" or 3/8" hexscrews(be sure to vacuum the cover,it will be dirty as well)& be careful,slow,deliberate (there are alot of sharp edges waiting to ambush your fingers)just make sure you unplug the fridge 1st,you do not have to unplug the fridge for the above 1st task.If you clean the condenser pan,& Fan blades,you will notice almost immediately afterward that,Your fridge is smelling a whole lot better,& much colder air going into the freezer as well!The #1 chief cause for compressor failure is a clogged condensor coil & dirty fan motor/blades!Also many fridges/freezers are mis-diagnosed as having a burnt compressor motor,when in fact it is merely a burnt out capacitor-$10.00 part( the little black rectangle-1"x3" with 2-wires attached to it,(usually located leftside of compressor tank,mounted to the pan w 1/4" hexhead screws,use insulated needlenose pliers to extract the wires from the capacitor,& do not touch the contacts with your fingers,you may get Zapped,capacitors sometimes hold a charge.Place the pliers onto both contacts,if there is a charge,it will pop/spark,it is now de-energized,take capacitor off,& take it with you for a replacement at the appliance shop/Sears/etc. 9 times outa' 10 any voltage problems are going to burn out the capacitor,1st/foremost,a mere $10 part!The above info or $750+,Your choice!