Originally Posted By: Fred78

Another point, which might be best discussed in it's own thread.

Why have some people become so obsessed with trying to recoup the cost of a rescue effort, I mean the folks at the Coast Guard are working and training anyway so it's not like that expense doesn't already exist, or go way up just because it's for real instead of training.

When you press that button on your PLB, should you be thinking about how much it's going to cost, or how about when you call the fire department, police, where does it begin/end?

Haven't we decided as a society that it's beneficial to all of us to have these services available to everyone, no matter if you could never afford to pay for it on your own?

So after all that, hope you guys don't think to badly of me.

I think you raise a very worthwhile point. When I was doing SAR, we frequently called on the Air Force at the local base (Davis-Monathans) and we always received extensive and effective support. It was always charged to training; the pilots loved SAR missions, because they were a lot more challenging than their normal runs.

Most police organizations have something in their charter or mission statement something about preserving and protecting human life. It seems to me that SAR fits in very nicely there.
Geezer in Chief