i rarely post here, but i know pepper spray, haha. whole adult life in the security field - corporate, industrial, retail and government.

the thing to remember about pepper spray is that it is not a fight-ender 100% of the time. many refer to it as an 'eye jab in a can' and it should be treated as such.

as with any defensive (or offensive weapons), the bad guy shouldn't know what's coming until you've employed it...you should be quick, as accurate as possible and deliberate in your actions. look up the term OODA loop and see the role pepper spray plays.

what do i prefer? i prefer a cone fog...not only does pepper spray inflame skin and mucous membranes, but part of the fun is how it attacks the respiratory system. if you can introduce a good quantity directly into their lungs, you don't have to worry about them 'fighting through it', as when you can't breathe, you can't fight.

my second vote would be for a good ol'fashioned stream...saturate the bums and let them wallow.

yes, there is a small population who are more tolerant to spray than others. these are mostly people who have been exposed before or are too hyped up on adrenaline to care....there is no such thing as immunity. if they are relatively unperturbed by the spray, use that can as a fist load and get your hammer-fist on. repeat as necessary.

speaking of fighting through it - don't be afraid of employing pepper spray because you might miss or get some on you...if you use it knowing that you could get affected, you'll be expecting a reaction...just deal with it and get through it. again, pepper spray wont kill you and if you have to, just hold your eyes open and keep fighting.

haha, lastly - the worst part about pepper spray is not being sprayed, per se, its that evening when you take a shower thinking that you've gotten all of the oc out of your hair...nope, it is reactivated and runs right down the front of you...FUN!

ps - there is NO 'antidote' for pepper spray...just fresh water and time.

pps - get rid of the pepper spray keychains. they are entirely way too hard to handle under stress...

Edited by rumbaugh (10/01/11 08:19 PM)
Edit Reason: ...what paul said.
"It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known" - A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens