I am a state trooper. My agency issues Sabre Red brand in a stream dispencer. I have used it on dogs a few times, as well as some wild critters(not skunks). It worked well. I have only had to use it once on a human(jail fight), it worked satsfactory. I received wind blown overspray during training(we have to test fire the unit regularily)as I was down wind when another officer test fired his unit. I could function initialy, but then had to sit down and face into the wind in order to decontaiminate. I have not received a full face shot as our original training did not require doing so. From the little I got as overspray I DO NOT want to experience the full effect, it hurts! I prefer the stream as it allows for better targeting and less chance for me to get hit. Our training teaches us that it is NOT effective on all people and it does take several seconds to reach full effect on those it does work on. We are tought to fight through the effects if we are ever exposed. If we use it, we then take the suspect into custody and handcuff to prevent any other action on the suspect's part. If you ever have to use it, be prepared to take follow up action(run away, etc.)as it does not instantaneously stop the pricipating event.

For larger crowd control we have a larger pistol grip stream dispencer avialable. For civil disturbances we have CS as an option.

If you have to use it in a self-defense situtation, well and good. Any other use could constitute an assault. Check the laws where you live as there are many different ones. My information is based on what applies in my home state.
Without integrity one has nothing.