Originally Posted By: Susan
A guy reports that after he used a pepper spray on an assailant, the police came. They refused to take the bad guy to the station. Why? They didn't want to be in the same car with him. They made the good citizen who just defended himself drive the perp to the station.

That sounds like an urban legend. If the cops use pepper spray themselves, what do they do with the perps they've sprayed?

From what I can remember of the post, the policemen who came on the scene objected to the formulation of the spray the poster used when they recognized it. Apparently it was known to continue to irritate people in the vicinity of the spray subject afterwards. The policemen did not use the same spray. I'm not vouching for the veracity of this account. Again, my point was that there could be blow back one way or another. I guess a particularly dramatic account got us a little sidetracked.

We've been assuming that GarlyDog asked about using pepper spray against human assailants. But he wants to know about dogs. Whereas I can claim a bit of google knowledge about the former, about animals I am utterly ignorant. Handing over the stage...

Maybe someone could post to the mailmen forum? All joking aside, they must know something about this. For one, I noticed a mailman carrying a spray on his mail bag the other day.

Da Bing