Double up your shelter if you are going into a situation where there is the remotest chance of being stranded. It is simple to add a larger Contractors garbage bag to a coat pocket. I always (I mean true EDC) a 5'X8' poncho / Tarp in the back pocket of my vest, a space blanket and a plastic rain poncho in one of the front pockets and a trash bag in my PSK. For much less $$ you might consider the lowly tube tent I would also not go somewhere "remote" (by that I mean somewhere that I might not be able to WALK out of on my OWN) without my cell phone and Ham Radio. But I guess you were able to communicate well enough that night. Just wouldn't want to be in a situation such as Chris K found himself in when he got stuck on an island. I also would probably put my belly pack on when going out like that - it contains some power bars, an esbit stove and titanium mug, some GORP, 1 liter of water,extra Potable Aqua Iodine tablets and an extended FAK