Originally Posted By: TeacherRO
Running into a problem - How do I teach someone that its good to be prepared before going out in the woods? The problem is no one expects it to happen to them - after all, they've hunted/ canoed/ hiked mt. baldy/ spelunked/gone to the ruins/ sailed the cliffs -- dozens of times before and they've never gotten hurt/ delayed/ lost...

The sad reality is that no one expects the worst to happen to them, however statistics show a completely different picture. This custom Google News Alert I use, auto emails me every day, news article links on the multitudes of injuries and deaths that occur in the great pursuit of the outdoors culture. There is much sobering reading there and I often use some as an example when we are out with others who may not think that they need to be prepared.
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

John Lubbock