Originally Posted By: Dagny

1) Next time in a multi-day event, the propane consumption will me monitored more closely. The only imperative is that the septic/sump/well pumps be functioning.


2) in the future the road situation won't be evaluated simply in terms of whether the Jeeps (they have two) can navigate but what it means for ingress-egress of emergency vehicles and support services such as propane delivery.


After local officials and media were alerted to the inability of emergency vehicles to access the neighborhood -- a week after Irene came through -- the power company responded swiftly and in sufficient numbers to make substantial progress.

As to #1 - Yes, yes a thousand times YES. A generator is a backup for critical systems - not a replacement for the mains.

As to #2 - Add to your list ingress of the repair vehicles. At one point, they were evaluating the use of helicopters to get replacement poles in...even that didn't work. They needed bulldozers and land clearing machines just to get started on the multi-day power restoration.

As to your last item:

I'm a "local official" and I was unaware of WHO had no power - we just had a count of "142 customers without power" on their web site.

(I call electric utility:
"Addresses of those without power please?"
"Sorry, we can't provide that information."
"Ummm how do you know it's 142 customers if you don't know who they are?"
"Sorry we can't give more information" )

Then people started CALLING ME..."the power is out" - and that's been where the action lies.