I disagree that going hiking and leaving your charges alone or faking twisting your ankle are a good idea. Keep it simple. Take an ace bandage and triangular bandage, and bind their arm to their side. If they're right handed, bind their right arm. Then give them an afternoon of coping with that. Or switch things up, take away their daypack, or tent, or rain gear. You should be able to build some curriculum around these scenarios - improvising shelters, striking a match / lighter and heating water. They'll get it then. If not, then paracord a 20 lb weight to the bottom of their foot, and watch them walk out. Some folks just won't get it, most should.

We have card key monitored doorways, everyone swipes their card, and standard protocol is the first person through challenges others to swipe their cards. Security will have ordinary folks follow through doorways, and when they go unchallenged for a swipe, will follow the person to their office, inform them of the policy, and the potential issues for not complying. If they don't get it, they just move up the hallway to the employee's manager. Its the secret shopper technique - if the policy is important, it requires some compliance monitoring.