In my part of the world they plant close growing trees too, but their purpose (apart from aesthetics and noise reduction) are to act as a barrier "net" to slow down and stop an out of control vehicle.

Consequently the type of trees chosen tend to be (relatively) small, narrow trunk species, rather than big heavy trunked trees which would stop a vehicle like a brick wall.

So perhaps you could add a saw to your kit; it would take time, but perhaps you could cut your way out ? With a Suburban (in low), you may even be able to push through, or half cut the trunks then push through ?

If you abandon your vehicle, it would be best to move it as far off the side of the road as possible. That way it will not block other vehicles and is less likely to be damaged if authorities start to “push” abandoned vehicles off the road. If you do need to abandon it on the road, leave the keys in it – what have you got to lose ?