Originally Posted By: Am_Fear_Liath_Mor
Can I ask why you would want to take a knife in to the 'happiest place on earth'?

Come to think about, I would definitely want to carry because I'm suspicious of anyplace that is open to the general public near Los Angeles while calling itself "The Happiest Place on Earth". crazy

Seriously, I'd want to carry a knife for the same reason I carry a knife outside of Disneyland. I don't undergo self-reflection throughout the day to assess my reasoning for carrying a knife. There are items I always carry as a habit, and I really need the items occasionally. A pocket knife is one of these items. There is nothing particularly unique about Disneyland to make me not want to carry. The better question is, why should I not want to carry my unobtrusive pocket knife that's with me as a habit?
If you're reading this, it's too late.