For field sharpening I've been using an EZ-Lap diamond stone (270 grit I think) on the wooden block that I sanded the sides of the block down. The sanding I did not only to reduce weight, but since the diamond part was smaller then the block on some knives I couldn't sharpen the base of the blade. I've found this setup work very well for regular use. (I do use a Lansky system when I want that razor polished edge on some knives.)

Oh, I wanted to ask. What is the best way to take chips/dents out of the edge, like before you sharpen. When I do it I pretty much do like i'm cutting the stone in half. I do like 10 or so of these then start to sharpen. Is there a better way or is that how everyone does it?

Edited by Paul810 (01/10/04 08:42 PM)