Originally Posted By: NightHiker
This is either trivial semantics or a more insidious case of mindset but a Get Home Bag and a Bug Out Bag should be two vastly seperate beasts unless your plan for getting home and leaving your home are basically the same.

Bingo, I was thinking exactly the same thing when I was first thinking about this post. It's not semantics, it really is important to get the purpose of a kit straight to make sure it meets the person's intended needs. It's impossible to create a kit for all needs so a person needs to spend some brain power thinking about what they want/need.

For example, I would not have important documents like a passport or birth certificate in the trunk of my car or under my desk in a Get Home Bag, but they would belong in a Bug Out Bag where there's a chance I may never have access to anything from home again.

Of course, there could also be some overlap between a GHB or BOB and someone's EDC kit, too, but an EDC's purpose is quite specific as well. It has to be, to keep the kit small enough to carry daily.

I was just re-reading this and I don't intend to sound like some purist about what a GHB/BOB/EDC is or isn't. Whatever works for each person is what matters, regardless of what you call it. Call it "My Bag of Tricks" if that's what makes you happy.

And the key to making a kit that makes you happy is for each person to know what they want/need, which is why I tried to start out with what that guy said he intended for his kit. Problem is, the kit didn't really seem to jive all that well with his stated purpose. Or else he didn't explain his purpose fully to account for things like seeds or things he didn't show, like food or transportation.

Edited by Arney (08/30/11 05:34 PM)