Originally Posted By: KG2V
I find it funny, that since the 1950s, in bith SF and Govt studies, Aliens always care about whatever is the current pet worry of Mainstream Govt scientists

The worry never is something 'odd' like say "green paint causes alien cancer" or something totally non fathomable to us - Heck. maybe the aliens will be highly religious and attack us because we're not going to church

This can be generalized to our entire culture. The way we imagine aliens has a lot more to do with us than with "actual aliens." Look at the Alien movie series. Each one is really more about some deep anxiety of our society. The first one addresses our worries about the unholy alliance between the corporate sector and the military-industrial complex. The second one is about single motherhood. The third one is about the penal system. The final one is about Walmart (or rather, the takeover of our lives by multinational corporations). Others like Predator seem more primal, speaking to our ancestral fears as prey animals on the plains of Africa. Men in Black is about illegal immigration and the changing demography of the United States (remember the start of the movie, where the MIBs take over an INS operation, let go the (presumably) illegal immigrants, and bust a space alien disguised as a Latin American man.

Nothing wrong with any of this. Besides, the only ones concerned with green paint that causes alien cancer will be... you guessed it, kids, the aliens. It won't be us.

Da Bing