I don't like the lack of privacy of online backup services. Theoretically, your data is accessible by employees of the company and who's to say that their security is good enough to keep out hackers.

I have a similar setup to yours. I use RAID 1 to backup my data at home. Once a month (sometimes more frequently) I use "Beyond Compare" to move any changed or new files from the RAID onto an external drive and carry that external drive to my office where I lock it up in my desk. The Beyond Compare routine only takes a few minutes depending on how many pictures I've taken lately. I can also perform this task from my office by remoting into my home computer but it takes longer so I don't use this method usually.

I also have everything divided between encrypted and non-encrypted areas of the disk. Photos and information PDF's, ebooks, and music are unencrypted, and I use Truecrypt to section off a part of the disks for private files like business planning ideas, tax forms, birth certificate, etc.

With this setup, I feel like I have much more control over my backups, the backups are more secure, I save some money from not paying for an online service and I have a lot more space available than online services offer.

I also have remote access to my home computer via the LogMeIn program while traveling, so if there's a file I need I can get to it much the same as using an online service. In fact, I keep very few documents on my laptop. I just use my phone as a broadband modem and remote into my home computer quite frequently to access whatever I need.