My "Office" keychain is attached to my Palm valise via a detachable split ring key holder (the one where you push the button like a syringe to release one half). I carry my orange Leatherman Juice S2 (Mmm.. “orange” juice. I just got the inside joke), Photon II white and a CPR Microshield-plus. At home I either carry the valise as is, which means I have my Palm with me as well, or detach the keychain and stick the Juice in my watch pocket on jeans and the rest of the items dangle on the outside. When camping, I have a nylon belt “pockets” for Maglites. I stick the Juice in the slot meant for pocket knives. That’s a bit redundant as I also wear my Wave camping, but it’s a system I’ve developed to help ensure I carry the keychain items without having to buy extras, one for each lifestyle scenario.
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL