^ Yeah, being from Edmonton (born there) I am extremely surprised this is going on there...it sure has changed attitudinally. For those who don't know, check where Edmonton is on a map, then check what's around it. Still, I find it very very hard to believe Albertans (think of them as northern Texans lol) are going along with this.

Even in prissy Ontario, it wasn't that long ago (OK, longer than I probably think...) that a teenager could walk down a back road with a .22 rifle and nobody would say a thing. They wouldn't dare lol. People minded their own business when it came to other people minding *their* own business. No more. Everything has to become open for public discussion, even your personal behavior in your own home or car.

Around here the police are pretty reasonable. But they have their marching orders from their supervisors, and the chief law enforcement types are all *political appointees*, they are NOT voted in.