Originally Posted By: Bingley
Good writing demonstrates not merely your level of education, but also consideration for your readers.

Mostly agreed. I submit I can probably self-spell check, punctuate and add line breaks, but brevity and clarity aren't always my strong point - I had an English teacher who said I was cursed with Germanic sentence / thought structures, when translated to the page. I will take 100 words to say what most men can say in 10.

I'm not offended by anyone else's sentence structure or writing style, its all good. I don't mind reading some difficult to parse posts, as long as there aren't ugly thoughts behind the words. I think the ultimate consideration is consideration for different points of view, which most everyone has here. Goebbels was a helluva writer, fronting for some very ugly thoughts / people. Hey, now that I've mentioned the Nazis, can we invoke Godwin's Law http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law on this thread? :-)