No doubt there will be a counter suit for medical costs by the rescuee as she wasn't expecting a large medical bill when attempting to commit suicide with a Hummer and the Life Insurance company will sue the rescuee for the attempted fraud of trying to defraud the life insurance company by pretending that her presumed death would have been as a result of an accident and not a suicide attempt. The lawyers of course will try their best to highlight the case via the news media the story to its fullest extent.

The life insurance company will then sue the rescuers for the lawyers costs of suing the rescuee (see above) because the life insurance company wasn't expecting the unforeseen lawyers costs because if the rescuee had actually died in the 'accident' and was not found to have attempted 'suicide' then those lawyers costs would not have been incurred.

The medical insurance company will also sue the manufacturer of the Hummer vehicle for allowing a potentially hysterical woman to purchase the vehicle knowing full well that suicidal hysterical women can't handle such large and cumbersome vehicles....And the manufacturer of the Hummer vehicle will counter sue because they had nothing better to do that day after receiving a call from the rescuers lawyers not to let the learned profession of lawyering down. wink

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (08/04/11 05:26 PM)