Street skills are learnable Not teachable,However there are Two crash courses,Joe Smalltown or Backwoods Bob could take that would Definitely put them in the "Know"!Starting with #1-Get yourself put in Jail for awhile(a week will suffice)You will be tutored by the highest authorities regarding survival on the streets,& When you gradiate(day of release)You will know a Happiness/Relief you've never felt before,& Most of all,you will have attained much knowledge of the streets,including the many variable speech patterns that are a Must have when confronting the other friends or family members of your cell mates.-note(this schooling is not available in Arizona,just ask Sheriff Joe Arpayo)Stick with the Big Cities!#2 Find yourself a Nice shopping cart & decorate it with plastic bags,then live out of it for a month or two,note-(Run over dog poop with your cart,it will keep the predators at bay) & Just observe life All around you,when you've had enough,you will come to the conclusion of knowing the streets,rather well for a Pilgrim!Best of All, These 2 crash courses wont cost you a dime,only time!:)