Personally, I think the best defense is to instill children with a few basic tenants at an early age.

1) Bad things happen. Boats sink. Cars and planes crash. People try to kidnap kids.

2) In the end, you are solely responsible for your life and safety. Your parents, the firefighters, the police, the SAR will all try to help you, but in the end, it comes down to you.

3) Think. Problem-solve. Plan. Your mind is your strongest asset.

4) When your (and other's) safety is involved, anything many be considered.

5) Prepare/act. Do what you think is the best thing to do (including doing nothing).

6) Follow through -- leverage your advantage/success. Don't be the idiot in the movie that knocks the bad guy with the machete down and then runs away instead of keep hitting him with the rock till he doesn't get up.

7) Your parents love you and support you. They shouldn't be afraid of acting because they think they'll get in trouble.

Have what-if discussions. They don't even have to be survival oriented. Follow up with "why?". Talk about things you see in the movie and "what would you do differently" and "why?".

We can't tell them *what* to do. Every situation is different --

In the case of the shooting, if you happened to be behind the guy when he starts shooting, clubbing him over the head with a rock may be a viable option. But if you are 30 feet away and he is facing you, is most likely is a poor tactic.

But we can teach them to do their best to survive be it hiding or running or clubbing the attacker with a rock.
