"With all due respect, do you really think its fair to discount the results of those studies based on your suppositions?"

With all due respect, I didn't discount the results of the study. I simply suggested that people may draw the wrong conclusions from them.

Further, I clearly indicated that I felt bear spray was useful and an effective *deterrent*.

But I also stand by my suggestion that bear spray isn't going to stop a bear fully committed to an attack. It won't even stop all humans fully committed to an attack.

Bear attacks are fairly rare. A fair portion can be deterred by bear spray making the remaining number even more rare.

So, statistically, you are probably safe without a firearm. But if you fall into that last unlucky bunch, I do suggest a firearm improves your chances. Hence, the layered approach.

I fully support your decision to take whatever chances you like as long as you are willing to live with any potential consequences.

In the end, we all must make our *own* decision what to do. I feel the best way to do this is to have a robust discussion, consider the arguments, and then make that personal decision.
