Originally Posted By: Roarmeister
They are aged 16-19 so it appears unlilkely that any were qualified to handle guns. I don't know of ANY of these outdoor schools that will even permit weapons on any of their courses - full stop - period. So discussion about having firearms in this situation is a non-starter.

I tend to think the no firearms rules stem from world views
rather than actual reason. You can train youngsters to do some
extreme activities and yet maintain reasonable safety. (I think we should too. Better than leaving
them to find their own thrills, if you know what I mean.)

Millions (12.5) of teenagers roam the wilds each year
armed. Some solo, some as young as grade school. There are few
accidents relative to the participating numbers.

NOLS will allow rock climbing, mountaineering and unaccompanied
travel in trail-less environments. Activities that without proper training and judgment lead to death and injury. No
real reason they can't teach how to safely use firearms in the
bush just like many Alaskans do.