Originally Posted By: Chisel

So, like "un-pregnancy" requires some considerations of monthly cycle ...etc, pregnancy in a survival situation brings whole lot of concerns and considerations.

You are so right Chisel. Pregancy and post-partum has it's own sets of challenges and concerns. Here's few ideas to get the wheels turning:

I tried to camp at 8 months pregant and here's what I learned (might not be applicable to everyone):

-pregnant women pee a lot
-I didn't bring enough water and ended up with a headache
-sleeping an on the cold damp ground was not good for all the aches and pains, and neither was trying to sleep in the car.
-my regular sleeping bag was not big enough (nor, DH would say, was our tent)
-I didn't bring enough pillows
-a good bra is hard to find but crucial when pregnant, especially when camping or hiking
-pregnant women's feet swell and her regular shoes might not fit anymore
-planning a long hike was a waste of time
-hiking on uneven ground was risky
-I woke up VERY congested every morning
-my pack was very incomfortable
-I and DH were worried about labour starting

When I did have the baby (a couple of weeks later in hospital) I learned:

-"my water broke" wasn't like in the movies. there was a lot and it didn't stop until i gave birth (packs lots of towel, pads, ad a change of pants, underwear and socks)
-there's lots to be delivered other than the baby and it doesn't end when the baby cried (stock lots of pads and towels)
-a woman can break her tailbone giving birth and an episiotom isn't nearly as pleasant as it sounds
-it can take a couple of months to be able sit or walk comfortably
-bio-functions can take some time and assistance to return to normal (add pads, fibre, laxatives and hemmeriod cream to your supply list)
-personal hygene is ultra important (soap and water are crucial)
-breasts are not purely asthetic (pack nursing pads)
-mamas need to feed their babies (pack a breast pump and bottles in case the baby doesn't latch)
Mom & Adventurer

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