time of year? Does it snow, or are you in a more arid area?
do you have a map? what is the terrain between you and the nearest habitable location? e.g. if you start a smoke / signal fire, do you have any chance of being seen?
you drove this ~60 miles on the FS road, is it often travelled, or only traveled once or twice a year?
are you in grizzly territory?
what is the terrain like between you and civilization - are there forests, or is it scrubland?

shame on you for not leaving an itinerary with anyone who will send rescue. if that's really the situation, I recommend you talk to your SO, and make a plan to walk out. then sleep on it, and decide if the plan is still feasible for one or both of you. splitting up is a risky proposition - one person alone has to take most of your supplies and hope to get to help before the other person runs out of theirs. two walking together may not move as swiftly as one.

It all depends - but since you didn't alert anyone you may be missing, you don't give yourself many options. all the alternatives depend on how you answer these factors.