simply because you are endowed with a sense of compassion and general good will towards your fellow man does that mean that you must be burdened with the responsibility to compensate for his idiocy and that therefore you are liable for penaties when you fail to intervene in his life to prevent him from harming himself? Certainly if you have a willingness to help someone out and they are interested in your help (and don't consider you a busy-body PITA) then, by all means, help them out. If you fail to help someone out for whatever reason, must you be liable because they were stupid and hurt themselves? If they consider you a busy-body PITA they will ignore, rebuff, or accoste you for the intrusion then forge boldly forward to face the natural inescapable consequences of thier own actions.
This will happen regardless of how much you wish you could prevent it unless you actuall physically interfere with their behavior - guard-rails on roof tops, chain-link fence with barbed wire-tops allong the road sides where it might be dangerous to walk off into the wilderness, coffee made with luke warm water slowly steeped for hours at a teped 80 - 110 degrees. etc. If you truely wish to prevent folks from spilling coffee on themselves serve it in containers that can only be accessed through a straw and require that they come into the establishment to drink it and not allow them to take it away and require it to only be served after it has had the opportunity to cool down below 110 degrees F. BTW What are you going to do about those sizzling Fajita plates that the mexican restaurants are serving. They are sizzling grease - Much hotter than 212 Degrees F! How about those korean places with the live hibachi in the middle of the table or the PuPu platters with the alcohol flame in the middle! Oh! My! GOD! Think of the Children for Gawds sake!

That felt good!