That article makes me wonder who owns and operates that author. Follow the money.

It is curious that people who espouse irradiation don't have any interest in dealing with the source of common contamination in places like high-density feedlots, filthy USDA-approved slaughterhouses and food production facilities, the proliferation of the 'hot' E. coli O157:H7, GMO crops created to tolerate far more pesticides than normal, multiple sprayings of pesticides, etc.

What they really seem to want is to irradiate every bit of food we eat so no cost or effort at all has to be expended to PREVENT contamination. They seem to be perfectly happy with meat coated with feces, but that's okay because the irradiation kills the bacteria. But the meat is STILL contaminated with feces, but now it's SAFE feces. What kind of insanity is that???

"There is no evidence that food irradiation is harmful to consumers, and also no evidence that it affects the nutritional quality of food."

He must use the same spin doctor as Monsanto! While irradiated meat and produce can sit on the shelf for three or four months, the vitamin content is dropping steadily. Try reading Zapped! Irradiation and the Death of Food by Wenonah Hauter and Mark Worth, it's quite an eye-opener.

For other info on food irradiation, check out the articles at Food Irradiation research
