Originally Posted By: jzmtl
Thanks, I test fired the stove last night. Self priming with kerosene is pretty hard, definitely could use alcohol priming. It doesn't "burst" into flames like other fuel does (extremely difficult to light with firesteel), but sort of going on a candle flame on only part of the priming pad, then after a while the entire pad lights up with a very sooty flame. Once going though it's pretty nice, though the flame on this particular stove is a bit yellow. Maybe the omnifuel with its exchangeable jet will cope better.

Going to need a few more practices before I can get the hang of it.
How do you like your Brunton vapor AF? From the photos I've seen of them, they look like a really nice stove. Isn't the stove supposed to be adjustable for various types of fuel? I think that one adjusts the air flow, yes?

The Omnifuel with it's multiple jets should do pretty well for you on kerosene. The trick with kerosene is to use a smaller jet orifice so that the fuel/air mixture has more air in it which is necessary to combust a heavier fuel like kero. If you try kero on an Omnifuel, I'd be interested in hearing your results.

Adventures In Stoving