Originally Posted By: jzmtl
I'm worried about the crap they add to the engine fuel with those, some of those are pretty toxic. Otherwise I could just burn unleaded gas, which ironically is the cheapest.
In general, unleaded doesn't work as well as white gasoline for stove use, even on stoves that claim unleaded as one of the fuels that they are designed for.

Most of the time, unleaded will leave more deposits behind, and, at the very least, you'll need to clean your stove more often. If a given stove says it is white gasoline only, then I wouldn't even try unleaded. If a given stove says it can burn unleaded, I still would burn mostly white gasoline and only use unleaded in a pinch. YMMV.

The only stove I've seen that seems to have some credibility to it's claims of running equally well on white gasoline or unleaded is the Soto Muka which uses atomization to achieve a very clean burn.

Adventures In Stoving