there -is- a towel there; you just can't see it because it's one second out of sync with our time zone.
besides, i can use the screwdriver to atomize any water around me(within, say...three inches of my stratum corneum) that doesn't contain traces of my DNA, thus rendering myself dry, but not dehydrated. very neat trick, very popular at poolside dinner parties(your hair will probably still be a bit damp, but you'll be wanting to run a comb through it anyway, so that's fine).

Originally Posted By: IzzyJG99

Bowties are cool.

very cool. i've tried a few cool hats as well, but they keep getting hit by stray gunfire.

Edited by Erik_B (06/14/11 06:15 PM)
Originally Posted By: scafool
Camping teaches us what things we can live without.

Originally Posted By: ironraven
...Shopping appeals to the soul of the hunter-gatherer.