Originally Posted By: IzzyJG99

It's a heavy, pointy and in some cases sharp weighted club. The first tool for egons according to many aboriginal studies specialists was a heavy weighted club. Often varying in sharpness, edge and shape. It's cheesy and fits with the "Caveman with a Club" cliche, but it is what it is.

The caveman comparison is still somewhat fitting. When I was 9-10 years old, we lived close to some railroad tracks and there were always old spikes along side the rails. We would take these spikes and use them for any purpose that suited our collective imaginations on any given day. Then on one almost fateful day, a couple of slightly older and bigger guys decided to tie the spikes to some rope lengths as pretend weapons and started swinging them around, over their heads etc.

One friend who wasn't not paying full and due attention unknowingly walked into the path of a swinging spike and was promptly clocked in the head from a swinging spike. He literally took an instant dirt nap (knocked out...but we thought he was dead.) Long story short, luckily no permanent damage was done however he spent 2 days in the hospital, received about 20 stitches and suffered a summer vacation ending concussion.

Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

John Lubbock