My provision for overflow is a new system that NASA developed as part of their REALSIMPL interplanetary human occupied travel ship (IHOTS) program. The theory is that as the level of the water rises in the tank, it reaches a point where it's total volume exceeds the volume of the container, and at that stage a physical gravitational principle kicks in and, via a built-in surface tension-fed mechanism, the excess fluid travels down the outside of the storage container (thus providing some built-in much needed self-cleaning action) until it strikes the soil surface where I have deposited a large quantity of fescue (grass) seeds thus turning the entire system into a generally redundant extremely expensive nutrient (GREEN) project which made it eligible for federal funding by an agency started by Al Gore called SPILL (Special Projects In Licensed Larceny). A side benefit of this system is that it self backflushes the debris screen in the top opening of the tank rendering the entire system practically maintenance-free.

Dear Lord: forgive me for this post.