>>is there still too much in that daypack of mine? What would you change? <<<br><br>Gatekeeper,<br>Only you know what your needs really are based on your circumstances. That may be the perfect assortment for you. Not knowing anything about your situation or what you are trying to be prepared for, my first reaction is that you have a lot of duplication in that equipment. <br><br>How many flashlights/spare batteries are you carrying? How many knife blades? How many lighters? Do you really need that much duplication, or would one or 2 of each suffice? You may be able to lighten your load considerably by thinking really hard about that question.<br><br>I personally try to eliminate most redundancy in my survival equipment. I consider the entire kit to be a redundancy in its self anyway. If all goes according to plan, I won't need any of it. If something goes wrong, the kit is the backup. Does your backup need backup? Maybe or maybe not.