Originally Posted By: JeanetteIsabelle
Originally Posted By: Mark_Frantom
How about:

Roll of cordage

I wonder about this. Would a person who does not have a preparedness mind set know what to do with cords?

It all comes down th the actual persons. Skills and ingenuity isn't restricted to carpenters or preppers. Some people won't be able to make emergency repairs even with the most well stocked set of tools and materials. Others will do whatever it takes with whatever at hand, surprising everyone including themselves with their ingenuity and creativity.

The way I see it, preparedness is all about taking some elements of chance out of the equation. So you don't just "happen" to have a cord lying around - you deliberately stock lots of it because it is so highly useful.

Same thing with skills and mental preparation. You don't wait until SHTF for occasions to practice your skills and ingenuity, raising the odds that you have what it takes when you need it.

In a SHTF situation you must work with what you have, including the particular members of your community. Some non-preppers will surprise you in a positive way, others will be a huge disappointment. You may not know which is which in advance - but it is a safe bet that at least SOME will be able to make good use of whatever tools and materials at hand.